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Feb 08, 2022 Braces removal is a very exciting time and opportunity for new, healthy habits.

Congratulations! You finally have had your braces removed! The hardest part of orthodontics is over, and now you can let everyone see that beautiful smile. Just like when you first had your braces put on, it can take some getting used to when you have them removed. But how is life different after braces? Here are some things to expect after you’ve had your braces removed.

What to Expect After Braces

  • Retainers: Just because you’re done with braces doesn’t mean you’re done at the orthodontist’s office. Getting your braces removed is the end of one phase of orthodontics and the start of another, the “retention” phase. Wearing your retainer regularly is essential after getting your braces removed. This will keep your teeth from shifting, making sure your smile stays right where it should be.
  • Soreness of Teeth or Gums: This is a common complaint from many people during the first few days, especially the day of removal. Orthodontists may have to use some force to make sure the brackets and all of the cement/glue have been removed from your teeth. This soreness won’t feel very different from having your wires adjusted, and should only last a few days at most.
  • Brushing and Flossing: You will notice how much easier it is to brush and floss without all the metal and rubber bands! While it is much easier to keep your teeth and gums clean, you should make sure to keep up the daily cleaning habits.
  • Calluses: You may have calluses on the inside of your lips from the braces rubbing against them for such a long time. It’s easy to not feel them while you have your braces, but after they are removed you’re much more likely to notice them. But don’t worry, they will go away over time.
  • Discoloration: You might notice discoloration of your teeth or a difference in color where your braces used to be and the parts of the teeth they didn’t touch. This is entirely normal due to how difficult it is to clean around the braces. This will get better over time with good cleaning habits, which are only easier now that you have your braces off!
  • Eating: After such a long time of having a list of foods you can or can’t eat, now that your braces are off, the sky’s the limit! You can bite into an apple without fear, popcorn and chips will no longer get stuck in each and every little space in your braces they can find, and you can even have bubblegum or chewy candy. This is a great time to work foods back into your diet that you couldn’t have before, or even try new foods you may come to love!

Braces Removal

Having your braces removed is a big, life-changing moment. It’s the time where you can finally let your beautiful smile shine, even though there are some adjustments that come with it. Our friendly staff at Georgia School of Orthodontics are here to help. With our two locations in Gwinnett and Atlanta, it’s easy to get the care you need to have a beautiful smile. Call us today at (770)351-7737 or contact us online for a complimentary initial consultation.

HAVE QUESTIONS FOR GSO? We are here to help you “Love Your Smile”! A confident smile is something you can share! As a top rated orthodontist in Atlanta and Duluth, GSO has special offers, paid-in-full discounts and flexible payment options so that you can get your affordable braces today. Please call us at 770-659-7286 or click to schedule your free consultation.

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